“U” profile tube bundle heat exchangers and accessories - Accessories

“U” profile tube bundle heat exchangers and accessories

Heating area Ø Flange Length Flange holes number  Ø16
mm mm
0,5 300 400 16
0,75 300 400 16
1 300 425 16
1,5 300 750 16
1,5 380 615 19
2 380 580 19
3 380 700 19
4 430 690 22
5 430 840 22
6 430 1000 22
7 430 1000 22
8 430 1320 22
10 430 1660 22
2 480 580 26
3 480 700 26
4 480 690 26
5 480 840 26
6 480 1000 26
7 480 1000 26
8 480 1320 26
10 480 1660 26

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